Monday, November 3, 2008


November 1 was the " First Dam Run " up in Logan. I am trying to become a better runner to help me in my triathlons so I enter these races for some practice. I talked my sister Kristie into doing it with me. This was her first race and I was so proud of her. I was able to beat my best time so I was happy about that and I was ecstatic that my sister did so well. We had a lot of fun.


Trinity said...

Look who's taking skinny!
A 5K is all I have to my name. I'm glad you beat your best time, that's always something to be happy about right! Maybe some day I'll get to race with you. I wish you lived closer.

Liz said...

Great job to both of you! What an accomplishment! Hey - our blog is going private soon, so watch for the post.

Anonymous said...

You are so amazing! I would love to do that with you! It looks like you and your sis. had a really good time and it looked like perfect weather. A little cold but not too bad. The only race that I know of that we have here is called the Jack Rabbit race and it is a 14 1/2 mile race. There is no way that I could do that. Well, maybe one day. Ha, Ha!!!!! LOve ya, Shan

Amber said...

That is so cool that you do those. It's all I can do to go to the gym.:) Your blog is way cute!